28 June 2005


Yes - since I was 6 I figured that I would find myself here. Dad died when I was 6 and everyone said "you are so much like your father" I was flattered beyond belief - still am. Dad was a WONDERFUL man! very kind and full of compassion and I was his right-hand kid! What ever dad was involved in, I wanted to be there, so I did all kinds of elevator and escalator repair visits with him. He was an Otis Elevator repairman and I still have a love for elevators! It's a rare and good thing that, each time I step on a "people mover" device, I can remember him with great fondness. It's only natural that I wanted to be just like him - so I guess the good and bad come together!

I've known, although the doctors didn't confirm this until I was about 28, that PKD was there. They found out, but couldn't make any predictions about the progression of the disease.

That's one of the problems of PKD - no doctor will ever make a guess about the "when will this happen". Even now, they hedge their bets.... the doctor said "A year - maybe two' but when I talked with the nurse who interviews prosopective donors she said "well - we have a few months!" There is a gap there somewhere, but I refuse to worry about that!

About three weeks ago all this was set into motion with a visit to Duke to see what they thought. They thought it was time NOW when I was hoping for 4-5 years. Ah well! Life is what happens while you're doing all the other things that makes life fun!

SO - more blood tests and explorations of things like the interior of the brain to make sure that the artery/vein system has no potential time bombs. That's what took my dad, and his sister and my grandfather as well. Cranial Aneurysm.

Today it was the stress test! The first one was the preliminary I think, where you go up to the receptionist and begin to register and find that you are not on the patient list - no where. THAT is stress! I think they check your reaction before they put you on the treadmill!

Went back today and was taken in. (relief!) They tried to put the adhesive strips on the chest as is, but the hair that vacated the top of my cranium has reappeared on the chest. Finally they shaved 2 inch patches (not well) all over the upper chest and mid-section. I looked like a hound with mange. Now all the clips and off to the races on the treadmill. I made it within 6 to my expected heartrate, so I guess I did ok! I studied really hard!

In the "too much info" department...when I got home I surveyed the 8 strange areas that were semi-hairless and very itchy and made a decision. Removal! YUP!! Shaved it ALL off!

I'm figuring that I'll be shaved several times before this surgery, so why not just do it and do it well? OFF with the hair!

Enough of this for today - looking toward tomorrow and Thursday for the urologist. More fun at different body locations TMI!

Stay content
Tim & Twins


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How bout a HAIR transplant?

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Cause bald is sexy...hubba hubba!

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GO TIM!!!! You & the twins hang in there! Love ya! John

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your New York family loves you and prays for you daily. Wish we could do more...but God will take care of you and guide you and the doctors. (I'll get off my soapbox now)..."Mom"

11:25 AM  

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