12 January 2006

One tough cookie!

Tim is up, has had a hearty breakfast, and has jogged around the hospital three times this morning. JUST KIDDING, of course!

Tim called me this morning, and it was great to hear his voice, raspy though it was! We spoke for a few quick minutes, then he handed the phone over to reporter Brian for a full report.

Much to our surprise, Tim not only remembers his "bite me!" comment of last night, but he also remembers the remark that prompted it! ("Run him into the wall and see if he wakes up.") It takes a tough psyche to remember a verbal exchange made through the haze of drugs!

Tim has had his first parade of doctors and interns pass through his room already...about 40 in all. Docs said they want Tim up and walking twice by the end of today, so Tim was rarin' to get started on the rehab early and took the first step of sitting upright in a chair. That made him a bit nauseous, though, so he was given meds to calm the nausea. The meds, of course, then made him drowsy, so it might be a little later today before he gets his first walk in. Jogging is definitely not on the calendar for today.

The 3 wise guys were able to talk with the nephrologist overseeing Tim's dialysis while he's at Duke. According to the neph, and at Tim's request, a Wednesday discharge (as opposed to earlier) looks likely. Tomorrow and Saturday, they will take Tim through short dialysis runs, then he'll have more dialysis on Monday and Wednesday of next week. Docs say that all is in order at the hospital in Princeton, and they are ready to receive him as a dialysis patient (3 times weekly) upon his return home.

Oh...it seems that the surgeon wasn't skilled enough to give Tim the 6-pack he had requested as long as they were messing with his torso. I guess he'll have to get it the hard way like everyone else. (That's where the jogging comes in!)

We know that many of you are eager to talk to Tim or to get a message to him via IM or texting, but he needs everyone to hold off until he's had a chance to regain some strength. To ensure he gets that chance, his phone isn't in his possession right now. We'll give the "all clear" when he's ready to receive messages. In the meantime, you're encouraged to post comments here for him to read later...all the greetings and good wishes will do him a world of good!

If you want to send a card, it's best not to send it to Duke, as it may not find him there. Cards can be sent instead to Tim at P.O. Box 1700, Bluefield WV 24701-1700.

On Tim's behalf, thank you for all your prayers and wonderful comments! Keep 'em coming!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So good to know Tim is doing well. Paul and Jo are in an internet cafe in Tarija Bolivia, so greatful to be able to follow the progress of our dear friend. Thoughts and prayers keep flowing north!

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A big HEY from not-so-sunny California to Tim. We're all praying here in AGEHR Area XII, and we'll miss you, Tim, at the Bay Area Handbell Festival. But glad to hear things are moving along. Get up and get walking, now!

Oh, and does anybody else other than me thing we should be having some sort of "service" for Boris and Natasha?

(Brian could preside, and I'm sure we could find a bell group to play....)


6:02 PM  

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