A good day - YAY!!
Today is Tuesday and that's a good day! There is no dialysis on Tuesday :-)
Thursdays are good days too! {we'll not discuss Mondays or Wednesdays or Fridays - ok?}
OH and a discovery! One of the caregivers [Mike] discovered that refrigerator word magnets don't stick to suture staples - too bad - we could plan a lengthy message for the surgeon
at the next visit!
I went to my GP this morning and I seem to be doing well - according to him (and we have to trust him - he reads this blog too!) [A BIG thanks to Dr Hopper for seeing me thru all these years!] On the flip side, it does appear that I'm anemic in addition to needing some additional repair work. Apparently the pressures of the kidneys and all the organs in that now small area masked a hernia on the right. It'll have to be repaired either before, during or after the transplant. We've contacted Duke and I'll see my surgeon on Thursday so we will have more info on repairs after the visit!
Today my Mail Delivery person brought a stack of mail which had a LARGE collection of get well wishes! Things have been forwarded from Duke as well as arriving in my PO Box!
What a delight to see cards and good wishes from you guys all across the US !!! Bell groups and ringers from churches and festivals, members of several churches where I have served, people that are recent acquaintances and old friends whom I had no idea knew about all the renovation! I've been through them all several times and I'll be reading them again and again! Your thoughts and prayers and good wishes are so very much appreciated!
Today is just at the halfway point between Boris and Natasha's debut and the anticipated "new kid" arrival! About 12 more days until Surgery Phase II and only five or possibly 6 more dialysis treatments - but who's counting.
I'll close today's post with one of the quips penned on one of the get well cards that I'm enjoying....
Moose and Squirrel have eradicated Boris and Natasha!!!
Tim & and about 80 Staples
Thursdays are good days too! {we'll not discuss Mondays or Wednesdays or Fridays - ok?}
OH and a discovery! One of the caregivers [Mike] discovered that refrigerator word magnets don't stick to suture staples - too bad - we could plan a lengthy message for the surgeon
at the next visit!
I went to my GP this morning and I seem to be doing well - according to him (and we have to trust him - he reads this blog too!) [A BIG thanks to Dr Hopper for seeing me thru all these years!] On the flip side, it does appear that I'm anemic in addition to needing some additional repair work. Apparently the pressures of the kidneys and all the organs in that now small area masked a hernia on the right. It'll have to be repaired either before, during or after the transplant. We've contacted Duke and I'll see my surgeon on Thursday so we will have more info on repairs after the visit!
Today my Mail Delivery person brought a stack of mail which had a LARGE collection of get well wishes! Things have been forwarded from Duke as well as arriving in my PO Box!
What a delight to see cards and good wishes from you guys all across the US !!! Bell groups and ringers from churches and festivals, members of several churches where I have served, people that are recent acquaintances and old friends whom I had no idea knew about all the renovation! I've been through them all several times and I'll be reading them again and again! Your thoughts and prayers and good wishes are so very much appreciated!
Today is just at the halfway point between Boris and Natasha's debut and the anticipated "new kid" arrival! About 12 more days until Surgery Phase II and only five or possibly 6 more dialysis treatments - but who's counting.
I'll close today's post with one of the quips penned on one of the get well cards that I'm enjoying....
Moose and Squirrel have eradicated Boris and Natasha!!!
Tim & and about 80 Staples
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