A better day, indeed
I was a bit delayed this morning in heading to the hospital, so I called Tim's nurse to find out how his night had been. She told me that it had been a bit rough, that he'd had some nausea, and they were trying some things to help curb it. Imagine my surprise and delight when I arrived an hour later to find him sitting in a chair! He told me that he'd deliberately stopped dispensing his pain meds at around 2am, and lo and behold, the nausea subsided! When his doctor stopped in on his rounds and Tim reported his discovery, the doc made changes in both pain and nausea meds. Tim had already made circuit of the unit's "triangle" area before I arrived, and he did two more in a row a while later.
The changes to his meds obviously made a huge difference. Queasiness did flare up from time to time, but Tim has found that eating ice in small amounts helps with that problem. While he's still not feeling as great as he'd hoped he would by this point, he certainly felt and looked much better today than he did yesterday. Kudos to Tim for following his instincts and for being an active participant in his own medical care!
He had several staff visitors today and got tons of instructions regarding his return home as well as information about what life will be like with a non-native internal organ. He'll practically be a walking pharmacy for a while, and while some of his medications will be taken for the rest of his life, many will be discontinued after a while.
We still anticipate a Friday release at this point, though that can change if the surgeon think he needs another day or two at Duke. Basically, they'd like to send him home sooner rather than later because it's better for him to be in his own home with his own germs than in the hospital environment with everyone else's germs.
As always, continued prayers are appreciated for speedy recoveries for both Tim and Ann. Believe me, they do make a difference!
The changes to his meds obviously made a huge difference. Queasiness did flare up from time to time, but Tim has found that eating ice in small amounts helps with that problem. While he's still not feeling as great as he'd hoped he would by this point, he certainly felt and looked much better today than he did yesterday. Kudos to Tim for following his instincts and for being an active participant in his own medical care!
He had several staff visitors today and got tons of instructions regarding his return home as well as information about what life will be like with a non-native internal organ. He'll practically be a walking pharmacy for a while, and while some of his medications will be taken for the rest of his life, many will be discontinued after a while.
We still anticipate a Friday release at this point, though that can change if the surgeon think he needs another day or two at Duke. Basically, they'd like to send him home sooner rather than later because it's better for him to be in his own home with his own germs than in the hospital environment with everyone else's germs.
As always, continued prayers are appreciated for speedy recoveries for both Tim and Ann. Believe me, they do make a difference!
So glad you are up and about!
It sure is hard to read through tears. Mr. Waugh, I'm so glad that you're doing so well with this. It would appear to me that God is not finished using you yet as his tool. You've got many more lives to touch. You're amazing. Keep it up!! My students love to hear how my mentor is doing! You are sooo loved.
Hey Tim:
I've been following along like hundreds of others as well as talking wtih Jeanne the other day.
First of all, abundant THANKS to all your caregivers. Heartfelt and unbounding THANKS to Ann who has give you an incredible gift.
Once you get past the meds-induced nausea and regain your effervesence, I'll venture a guess that you revel in just how good you feel. I'll bet you can't remember when you've felt this good.
As for the rest of us, we are certainly going to have a hard time keeping up with you once you get back out amongst us.
Love ya,
Yea, Tim! So glad the rhythm of life is picking up and the laps around the triangle are increasing. Your body must be so happy to be working again....don't let it get too giddy! (what, Tim? Giddy? Nah!!)
Love and Prayers for your complete recovery!!
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