02 February 2006

Tim and the foster kid

When someone asked Tim today how the foster kid was doing, that elicited a pretty good chuckle from him, according to Jeanne. We wonder if his students, who gave the natives the monikers "Boris" and "Natasha", have worked on a name for the new kidney. Any business owners out there that would like to bid for the naming rights? "Hi, I would like to introduce you to Tim Waugh and his foster kidney, American Airlines Arthur," or "Arthur, presented by Merck Laboratories." Make your non-refundable bid check payable to the Waugh Fund...

Hey, let's amuse Tim. Post your best, most creative naming ideas in the comment section!

Tim has continued to have some peaks and valleys after the transplant, but they have been more marginal than major swings.

The peaks -- 10 laps (over a half mile) around the triangle; IV pain meds removed with normal pain now at a 0-1 level; he ate a good portion of his chicken and potatoes for supper, his first major attempt at solid food; and his attitude and voice have both improved.

The valleys -- the steroid therapy tends to cause some crabbiness, keeping Tim's sense of humor and generally upbeat attitude somewhat in check; he is still wary of nausea but isn't keeping the bucket as close as he had been; and he still has the catheter.

There are still a few things that need to happen if he is to be released tomorrow ... time (and the parade of doctors and techs tomorrow) will tell.

Despite the valleys, the line on the graph has continued in an upward direction -- considering the two major surgeries (nephrectomy and transplant, with an appendectomy and hernia repair thrown in for good measure) occurred in less than three weeks.

Oh, that we would hear how Ann is doing...

-- Brian


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the name Audrey 2...paying homage to Mr. Waugh's favorite musical ever! :)


8:10 AM  
Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

I'm so glad you are starting to feel better. I think Ken would be good as in Barbie and Ken...or has Ken been replaced by some other dude?


9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the idea of keeping with the theme. How about Rocky? If ever, God forbid, there is a kidney stone . . . And Tim can be a bit 'squirrelly' at times!

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the same era and run along with Rocky and Bullwinkle was Mr. Peabody and Sherman.... "instead of a boy and his dog, it was the dog and his boy"... so I think this is similar... a kidney and it's man ;) So why not Mr. Peabody (or Pee-body if you want to get technical!!) and Tim. Heh ;)

Good talking to you yesterday Tim! What an awesome surprise that was.

Blessings always, tami ...

2:33 PM  

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