09 February 2006

..and for today.....

....slow but steady improvements! Evenings are a little better and I feel pretty well, but a mid-afternoon nap is still very much in order!

We got home Wednesday evening after a GREAT ( but long) check-up day. These are happening now every week for a few months. The lab from Duke called and the med report was that my "labs were perfect!" WOW!! It's been probably since I was about 24 that the labs for renal function were any where NEAR perfect. The creatinine levels were a 1.9 - to compare - pre transplant I hit a VERY HIGH 13!!

I was glad to see Ann as well at the check-up. She had her post-op and said that the nausea was gone! (I'm very glad! Thanks for your prayers)

I've been out minimally to run a few errands with Jeanne driving. The plan is to go at times that crowds are minimal and people contact can be controlled. I got masks as well ( strange looking but keeps the germ/virus somewhat at bay) and hand disinfectant is my friend.

I'm practicing conservative optimism in identifying how I'm doing. I think I'm WAY ahead of the game in many arenas and really hope that there are no set-backs. Statistically, a re-hospitalization occurs in 50% of the transplants, and probably is a little higher since I'm NOT doing the prednizone route. I was given a drug in transplant that is used in treating leukemia. It greatly reduces white blood cells which would attack the kidney. It means that I will NOT be on lifetime prednizone but WILL have it as needed. It's VERY beneficial but has many side-effects as I found out!

I'm looking forward to excursions and hopefully having visitors. Duke would encourage visitors to be healthy ( no sniffles or viruses) and to be ready to do the hand sanitization at the front door.

I know it might be redundant to say repeatedly, but I'm deeply grateful and humbled by each of you and your expressions of love, concern and prayers. There is no doubt that this great energy that you are projecting to and through me is making an astounding difference in my recuperation and the great lack of reactions and problems. Thanks

Tim & kid


Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

Wow! It is so nice to hear that you are doing so well. Hand sanitizer is the best!!
Have a great weekend!

7:46 PM  

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