11 February 2006

Nearing two weeks with the kid

I woke early this morning feeling pretty darn good! I'm noticing that there still are times that the body just gives out for a while and I nap often, but I'm building up the strength to continue to grow toward normal each day! It's an exciting thing for sure - and to add to that excitement, I have times that I'm feeling better than I have in years! This was predicted by some of my transplant friends who have been through this whole process, but you really don't realize it until you see it in action. My weight is down to an official 163 - a shadow of my pre-transplant high of 199! Still having to deliberately push fluids, which wasn't the "norm" for the time of dialysis.

Had a pleasant evening with outgoing caregiver Jeanne and incoming caregiver Laurie! My mail is being checked for me, and I got a delivery with a great handfull of cards and notes! Had a wonderful time reading each card and being warmed by all the good wishes and wonderful thoughts. This has been quite a learning time for me to see, through the comments on the blog here and the cards and phone calls, all of the people who are so generous in their prayers and good wishes. I know that the continued recovery that I'm experiencing is due in good part to these great energies sent my way!

Snowing here - but not nearly as much as we anticipated - at least not yet!

God's blessing on each of you!
Tim & kid


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo-Hoo what great news today! We eagerly await the reports, praying for good news. Keep up the good recovery. In addition to celebrating with our team, many of the Yinzers here in the 'burgh are cheering you on, too. Another winner for sure! We sure know how to pick 'em.

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Under Cover (6" and counting) in Greenbrier County...Glad to hear you continue to do better every day. This Web blog is a God-send. Thanks for keeping us posted. Can't wait to meet up with ya again. Ray

10:48 PM  
Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

You know, naps are your friends!! There are many days when I just wish I could curl up for an afternoon nap... ahhh... Enjoy those naps!!

2:29 PM  

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