17 February 2006


Good Friday Morning!

I'm still basking in two weeks of good reports and remain cautiously optimistic - cautious because the first two months with a new kidney can be a roller-coaster experience. Most rejection episodes happen in that time period with a 50% rate of re-hospitalization. I'm keeping all my hopes toward a smooth transition. Of course, episodes are possible *anytime* with a kidney, but the first month to two are the "wait and watch time".

I'm still having a few minor reactions to the meds - which are predictable. If they become pronounced or if *anything* rises, I have a 24/7 number back to Duke with strict instructions to call the "hotline" so I feel pretty comfortable. One of the meds can cause a sensitivity to hot and cold in the hands and feet [check] and one can cause a slight tremor [check] so I'll report these if they progress and put them on "the list"

I amuse the transplant team with my notebook and papers that I hand in at each check-up. I take a page and hand it to anyone that comes into contact with me. It has a list of all the meds, another column with contact info for most of the leading physicians, and a third column with a report from the week that includes any concerns that I have. They call it "my agenda" and threaten to hire me to train all their patients!! HA! Guess it's the teacher in me?

This weekend I'll be trying "life on my own" for the first time since Surgery One on Jan 11th - making it over a month that I've had someone on-call for me 24/7. I have some of the BEST people in my life that anyone could imagine! This will be a transition that certainly is mixed, but a needed push to readjust to taking responsibility for this new chapter in life!

This whole process remains an amazing progression of events punctuated with so many caring and loving people who have taken time out of their lives to show me that they care. Through prayers and good thoughts, positive energy, cards and letters to volunteers who are willing to babysit a 51+ guy with an independent streak!

I was able to play a rehearsal at church last evening at church and *may* be able to play for church on Sunday - one more transition back to "real life"!

Thanksgiving for each and every one of you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haven't seen you on line for a couple of night. Glad to know you continue to do well..with the bumps..debbie

11:29 PM  

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