13 February 2006

TWO weeks and counting....

Today marks week two with "kid and I"! Things are going really well, it seems.

The meds are settling in - although there are quite a number of pills that have to be in the body at 10 am and 10 pm without erring. They keep the body from figuring out that the kid isn't original equipment and most of what I'm taking will be a lifetime thing.

Tomorrow I travel to Duke for the second of the series of check-ups. The tests are mostly done with bloodwork and then I get to see a member of the team to check up the staples and perm cath and the other attachments that I'm genuinely ready to be rid of.

The only minor thing that's been happening is what I term "internal pains". I have some cramping and pains that were common when Boris and Natasha were residents...which makes me think that perhaps some of the severed nerves might be waking up. Usually it makes me want to be horizontal for a while.

I'm so thankful that this is literally a second chance on life. The more we explore the pre-surgery numbers and statistics the more I'm coming to understand that I was genuinely into End Stage Renal Failure. Things were going at a rate faster than I had realized or chose to recognize. It's truly a blessing and a miracle of modern science that my latest numbers ( we'll have more tomorrow) are so much closer to normal. I honestly don't recognize my feet due to the reduced swelling that was normally a part of each day.

May God richly bless each of you as He has bestowed amazing blessings on me. I continue to live in awe and joy for each new day that He has given me through your faithful prayers.

Tim & Kid


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