28 March 2006


A handbell friend gave me a heads-up on this site! Check out the sponsor of the day for today! [3/28]


I'd like to recommend it and ask that you put the PKDFOUNDATION in as your charity. We ALL do searches daily, and this is a wonderful way to raise money for PKD

There are more than 600,000 diagnosed cases of PKD across the US with more than twelve and a half million cases in the world. PKD affects more people than cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, Down syndrome and sickle cell anemia — combined. ALL of these horrible diseases need all the publicity they can get! Join me in supporting PKD through this site! Hopefully a cure isn't too far in the future!

Updates after the bloodtest tomorrow - hopefully the cells will be more numerous! THINK WHITECELL!

Tim & kid
Almost TWO months!