03 May 2006

Support Tim With A Generous Gift - May Update

As Tim's life continues to return to a sense of normalcy -- a return to full-time teaching, continuing on the organ bench, traveling to workshops and festivals -- we would like to keep in front of you the ongoing financial needs that are now a part of Tim's life.

His anti-rejection medications are currently costing him over $1000 per month. For now, insurance is picking up the cost -- but in just over three years, Medicare stops paying for these medications. There are co-pays, deductibles, non-covered expenses, and other incidentals that eat into Tim's budget on a more current basis, and he has mentioned this issue in a previous post.

As Tim was preparing for the nephrectomy and transplant, Duke University's transplant counselors suggested that he establish a 501(c)(3) to help defray the long-term expenses that he will face. Having known Tim since 1990 from serving almost eight years with him on the AGEHR Area V board, and now pastoring a church that was willing to "donate" its 501(c)(3) status for this purpose, I established a tax-deductible fund in the church's name to meet this need.

Tax-deductible donations can be sent to:

Waugh Fund of First Church
PO Box 232
Wellington, OH 44090
Unless you specifically request a mailed or e-mailed receipt, please use your cancelled check and bank records as proof of your contribution. All funds go directly into this account and will be disbursed according to policies adapted from another 501(c)(3) entity.

Gifts have come from community/professional ensembles, from individuals, from love offerings taken at events, and from AGEHR areas. There are even those who have contributed more than once.

If you are having a meeting, festival-conference, or workshop, I can provide a flyer in Word format that explains the fund, explains Tim, and advises how a tax-deductible donation can be made. Or, feel free to link to this page from your web site. Please continue to remind your constituencies, especially those who have worked with Tim but may not have heard the story of his transplant, that there is a way to honor Tim through this ongoing need for financial support.

If you have any questions, need more information about giving to this fund, or would like the flyer file, please contact me at bdburke52@aol.com and I will gladly respond to your request.

Thanks for the continued outpouring of prayers, support and love for Tim (and Ann!) as he returns to his pre-transplant level of activity.

Brian Burke


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