...and it seems like just a few weeks - and then again - it seems such a long time ago - strange!
Things with Duke and with the local doctors are boiling down to the adjusting and tweaking of minor things that need attention. Most all of the major events are [hopefully] over for a while. Indeed MONTH THREE is a milestone and I'm seeing "back to normal" (if it ever WAS normal) at school and church. Someone asked one of the people at school how I was and got the response "why are you asking?" They have become adjusted to my return! The person asking was totally SHOCKED to see me walk in - so we're celebrating the dichotomy of a group that has returned to treating me normally (with all the accompanying return of responsibilities and frustrations) and a group that thinks I'm at home in bed and treats me as if I'm fragile.
The BEST thing recently, which might be a repeat of previous comments that you've heard, was the Duke physician that said...
In that line, I'm sharing a modern "psalm" that I keep with me in my briefcase as a reminder. Interestingly, it's been in the briefcase for over 14 years. It's from the March April 1992 issue of ALIVE NOW! Growing Toward Wholeness. Some I've accomplished as live goes on. Some I strive hard to accomplish. Those who know me well will probably find me within these thoughts.
Things with Duke and with the local doctors are boiling down to the adjusting and tweaking of minor things that need attention. Most all of the major events are [hopefully] over for a while. Indeed MONTH THREE is a milestone and I'm seeing "back to normal" (if it ever WAS normal) at school and church. Someone asked one of the people at school how I was and got the response "why are you asking?" They have become adjusted to my return! The person asking was totally SHOCKED to see me walk in - so we're celebrating the dichotomy of a group that has returned to treating me normally (with all the accompanying return of responsibilities and frustrations) and a group that thinks I'm at home in bed and treats me as if I'm fragile.
The BEST thing recently, which might be a repeat of previous comments that you've heard, was the Duke physician that said...
We didn't put the kidney in for you to become fragile and disabled, we put it in so that you might live!
So let it be!
In that line, I'm sharing a modern "psalm" that I keep with me in my briefcase as a reminder. Interestingly, it's been in the briefcase for over 14 years. It's from the March April 1992 issue of ALIVE NOW! Growing Toward Wholeness. Some I've accomplished as live goes on. Some I strive hard to accomplish. Those who know me well will probably find me within these thoughts.
Therefore be vulnerable first to others' kindness.
Let such affection wash over you and fall deep within.
Cleave to those who are steadfast. The best love is
stubborn. Cleave to those who are steadfast
Love as you are allowed, not as you desire.
Distill the quivering into compassion for the needy
Listen for birdsong. Learn from the birds to defy
silence and become one with the Song inside you.
Seek to be honest with yourself. Let all feelings
just be. Denial grants them the power of terror.
Find someone whose job it is to hold you while you
sob. Thereby discover the strength beneath weakness.
Practice humility before the order of Music and the
xtravagant fragility of flowers. For beauty heals pride.
Eat good food with good friends. Let the world's weight
fall from your shoulders into teasing and laughter
Each day the earth rotates toward Eastered light.
Lean on the earth. Surrender control, fall into the
infinite grace of God's YES!
*Mary Zimmer
Pax Vobiscum
Tim & kid
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